These are general reference resources that you can use for any research project.
These are general reference resources that you can use for any research project.
OPAC - see the SES library catalog
This online dictionary can help you understand the meaning of words you don't know. You can also see how to pronounce them.
Word Central
This is another online dictionary made for kids.
The McGraw-Hill Children's Dictionary (Ref 423 Wor)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Thesauruses (a book with words with similar meanings)
Word Central
Click on the Thesaurus button.
The American Heritage Student Thesaurus (Ref 423)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Encyclopedias (books of general knowledge)
GoGrolier (see your teacher if you forgot your username and password)
You can use the New Book of Knowledge or the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
World Book (through TEL - if you've forgotten the password, please see Mrs. Littles)
The World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia (REF 031 WOR)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
World Book Millennium 2000 Edition (REF 031 WOR)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Atlases (collections of maps)
DK Student Atlas 5th Edition (J 912.73)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Fact Monster Atlas
Click on your state.
Almanacs (books put out every year with up-to-date information about the world)
That's Awesome: The World's Most Amazing Facts and Records (031)
Available in the SES library.
Fact Monster Almanac
Under the U.S. tab on the left, choose your state or other information you're searching for.
There are also general reference resources available at your public library. Since our students come from 6 different counties, it is best if you check with your county's library for more information.
SES Library Homepage
This online dictionary can help you understand the meaning of words you don't know. You can also see how to pronounce them.
Word Central
This is another online dictionary made for kids.
The McGraw-Hill Children's Dictionary (Ref 423 Wor)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Thesauruses (a book with words with similar meanings)
Word Central
Click on the Thesaurus button.
The American Heritage Student Thesaurus (Ref 423)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Encyclopedias (books of general knowledge)
GoGrolier (see your teacher if you forgot your username and password)
You can use the New Book of Knowledge or the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
World Book (through TEL - if you've forgotten the password, please see Mrs. Littles)
The World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia (REF 031 WOR)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
World Book Millennium 2000 Edition (REF 031 WOR)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Atlases (collections of maps)
DK Student Atlas 5th Edition (J 912.73)
Available in the SES library reference collection.
Fact Monster Atlas
Click on your state.
Almanacs (books put out every year with up-to-date information about the world)
That's Awesome: The World's Most Amazing Facts and Records (031)
Available in the SES library.
Fact Monster Almanac
Under the U.S. tab on the left, choose your state or other information you're searching for.
There are also general reference resources available at your public library. Since our students come from 6 different counties, it is best if you check with your county's library for more information.
SES Library Homepage